I never had so much fun.. never knew that I would ever party..as in dance scream drink(water and oolong tea)
lol now i know why..
They can't be discos pubs or clubs. They gotta be outdoors under the stars, with loads of music, happy people, picnic baskets, jelloshots(i just had one), barefooted if you can tolerate having your feet trampled, full of energy, sweat, singing and just moving to the flow, even though this irritating french dude beside me was smoking, for once i did not mind the passive smoking.. not at all.. But the lady in front of me sure did, cos she got singed.
If this was crowded..i can't imagine Woodstock.
It's gonna be marked in my calendars again next year and the year after......
I so feel like a bohemian hippy chick lol..
By the way the above was Chalk Street Art. Pretty eh

Womad entrance


Workshop-Brazilian Capoeira

Korean Drums and brush painting

Susanna Baca

Jimmy Cliff

Crowds.. there was barely room to dance
Next... Shiny Happy People....... Literally with our faces all glowing

Rubin Deedee Me

Leo Me Deedee

Deedee me and abit of Leo

Deedee me

Leo Me
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