The rambling escapist with clipped wings

Friday, October 21, 2005

There is hope yet..

It has been a nice morning. Things better work out even better for the rest of the day. I've got a review, a voice-over job, and meeting Khim later. Although I was late for work today and had to part with my money again for a ride, I suppose it was worth it. Made me see that at least there are pretty decent Singaporeans around.


Know how I am always complaining about BLATANT CAB SNATCHERS yeah it happened again today. But it wasn't all that bad this time. So there I was waiting along the side of the road for a cab at 08:35 REDS.. BLUES.. GREENS.. YELLOWS.. the occasional Silver and Black ones.
All had passengers.

I was not alone.

Standing before me was someone else. A lady nono a girl.. (gah a female) She looked young very early twenties, petite carrying a pink handbag and a laptop. Hair still wet and dripping. She was obviously late for work as I was.

So there again we stood, Morning sun blazing overhead, two girls hoping desperately for a cab.We acknowledged each others presence with a nod and a bashful smile that signaled, "Late for work again eh..".

Hands flagging, lips biting, fringe blowing, eyes squinting...

And then ONE popped out. CAB SNATCHER I. 08:50

Profile:Ah Pek in white trishaw singlet size L, Shorts that looked as though they were once long,now snipped off to knee length. He deftly and expertly, swoofed ahead and got on smugly into a Comfort.

I was flabbergasted, gave a desperate silent "WHAT" and laughed bitterly.

The lady turned to me and shook her head.

I responded with a silent "Can you belive that"look.

So there (I know I've said this 3 times and repetition isn't good) we stood, and by now a man came and stood by.

A cab whizzed in the opposite direction that said "Jurong" but made a turn and after a few words she hopped on. 08:55. I was happy for her. We smiled at each other and said our byes.

And now back to me. I was by now resigned to the fate that yes I will be late terribly 08:58

After awhile of waiting. The guy that joined us decided to cross the road to test his luck.
And lucky he was.

A cab appeared from the carpark on the other side of the road and I watched him bend over to speak to the cabbie.

BUTTTTTTTTT. I spotted CAB SNATCHER 2, that vermin popping out from a void deck and standing before me, obviously seeing me still vigourously stretched her claws out and flagged.

I vocalised my thoughts this time but not too loudly muttered "WHAT THE FUCK ARGH ANOTHER ONE"

And suddenly a cab with the BUSY light atop stopped before me. He said,"That guy over there told me to turn and pick you up first cos you've been waiting for a long time."


I waved and beamed at that man across the road. 09:10. And I think I.. ermerm.. did a salute. (How archaic and how embarassing on hindsight. He must have thought me queer)-__-''' Anyway the cabbie was nice, he was not talking about the government or complaining for once.

And I tipped him. Not alot i aint some rich tai-tai. Fare was S$9.30 but I gave him a tenner. Cos I thought Niceness should be spread. Though I was late, Ten bucks poorer.. but HEY I didn't get a pocketful of change this time.


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