How can I not feel Loved. LOL.. Complete with COMMENTARIES and GRAPHICS
These kids are really sweet. I mean I just taught them for like a couple of days.
The ranged from Pri 1 to Primary 3 at most.
But then again...The older kids that I taught for half a year in a Secondary school were from another Universe and breed.They weren't that bad actually but i couldn't let them know that I was barely 2 years older than they were..but many soon found out actually..but then that again is another story...
There I go again being mean.. I think I can’t help it..AHHHH…
Complete with grammatical errors and commentaries.

Dear Miss beh, you are very pretty I wish you a happy teacher day.
you are the teacher. When every time you shout, I and EE ling was very shocked. I and EE ling is best Friend. Now it is a poem.
IF I am a bird I will fly.
IF I am a fish, I will swim.
IF I am a boy I will marry you.
If I am a girl, what could I do?
The END!!!
Why thank you my dears...And I am pretty..AWWWW
*twirls, prances and falls into a tangle*
And I SHOUT.. because you monsters are TOO NOISY
Also things like these make me wonder what cultures they are teaching in Primary school .. This POEM OF LOVE is given to me by 2 lil' girls. Sorry dearies polygamy ain't practised here and erm.. I ain't exactly into Lil girls.
Well I was sorely tempted to do the grammatical corrections and give it back to them. But I would be too cruel to shatter their little hearts.

Dear Miss Beh,
How are you? I’ am fine
Thank. Are you fine too.
I was very happy to see you. We hope you are our form time. You are kind and nice. LMG,Hope you be happy always!and stay cute. LMG? means Last message Love you be very happy always.
And this was WEIRDLY given by a male pupil. He must love Hello Kitty and coloured pens A LOT.

Dear :
Hello Miss beh, I’m Jaclyn, RuiJing and Siew Hong. You are very kind you know? Do you see just now the letter that we give you?Will you come and teach us again.
If MR TAN is sick will you come and teach us again and again …
You Please Promise Keep it!
Written by Jaclyn, Siew Hong and RuiJing
And on the other side in glittery pink ink
This is a secret purse OK.
And of all this is the CUTEST. Aww Jaclyn/Ruijing/Siew Hong.. You have 3 personalities. And you must HATE MR TAN ALOTTTTTT. And I see he hasn’t been teaching them proper sentence structure too.
Hmm..They must have given me another letter but I couldn’t find it.

And kids really do love to draw.. and ermm I did not DID NOT wear a clown suit to class that day I assure you.

This is a really pretty piece.
And I sure don't bare my belly when I teach, or have queen Amidala hair.
And I don't have a dog too.
And In my time all my humans were drawn with oversized t-shirts with a long skirt with lacy thingys on it.
And this kid actually gave me his/her address and telephone number....
I do admit I was smiling widely as I saw these again.. They make me feel loved and all fuzzy These lil kiddos really were the sweetest bunch.
Sense of nostalgia going thru your cards/letters. They are so adorable, and the speling/grammar mistakes make them all so much more precious. They are so lovable... Sadly I did not teach at Primary Schools as I knew I will have a hard time detaching myself from them at the end of the relief teaching stint.
I got some cute "memoribilia" from my kids at Secondary school too. Tempted to put them up like you. But now the girls would be like say... Doing their "O"-levels? It wuld be interesting to go back there and find ou how they getting along.
Reading your posts has greatly reassured me especially now it is a more or less settled thing that I would be going into teaching. Sigh.
Awwwww. The kids are so adorable... Cuteee.... I'm sure you must feel real special each time you see these "gifts." Treasure them. They'll come in useful on a rainy day.
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