The rambling escapist with clipped wings

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I always lose it and become funny when I set out to be serious. Am serious.

(oooh the start is all so melancholic and qi cham)

The world moves around you, your present seems bleak
And your words hold no weight, your screams squeak,

Car headlights taunt you unkind,
Their accusing lights blinding shine,

The sun wakes every morning against your insistence,
Reminding you daily of your bodily existence.

Leaves dismiss you like you're dead,
Falling absent-mindedly on your head,

(and this is when I start being crazy and end up being funny or unfunny)

You ask for Ketchup at the dining hall
You trip and your roast ends up on the floor

Mother asks you to meet her at a quarter to three,
You forget and you leave her standing alone on the street.

Asking the nearest stranger for a light for a ciggy,
He'll tell you tales of his dead pet gold-fishy

You Left your phone by your pillow one lazy morning
Rummaging you pockets you have many bills not a single penny

Furiously you typed a long arse letter for a raise,
Gingerly you press send and the window freezes in a daze.

Your life seems to be in a mess, your career in suitcase
Decide to resign and your boss gives you a raise.

You take out your laundry from the washing machine,
Paper fluff litter your favourite indigo jeans.

Princess dresses in Chanel looking for a Prince,
She found her love in a junkyard amongst rusty tins.

Waiting for a daughter after giving birth to 5 sons,
She tries the for the last and still got a Willy.

Answering machines leave you reeling in anger,
And you realise you’ve been dialing the wrong number.

It's funny if you think about it,
Life is beautiful isn't it,
It moves on with or without you living it.


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