Graduation pics
I know mine are long over due.. but i have been too busy to upload them, and they're not in my lappy.
BUTBUTBUT.. where are yours?? NO EXCUSE eh!!!
I have only seen Khim's the rest of you guys..HUHUHUHHUHHUHHUH..
Loads of drama these past weeks.. *sigh* (Kinda Stuff of AhCheng,Days of our lives, and Zhan Qeng)
It'll will make me a stronger WOMAN.
*thumps chest*(not much but oh well)
Well will update more when i am less tired.
We look like we're going shopping eh..HONG KONG AGAIN??*winks*
Pink Smurffette Granny with Miki and Oliver
Ma snuck this pic LOL.
Crazy Folks
Yes. They are showing.*mutters*
Nice pic that ended the day.
Silly Nana wanted to do the sailor moon thingy
Pity it's dark.
Deedee and me at the Alumni thingy. I look stoned.O_o
Sad that some of you couldn't be there.
You know who you are eh. But at least you made it for the Alumni thingy*hugs*I realised those i took that day aren't with me..
Pray those DODOheads did not clear the memory card.
More next time.Will try to go sleep now. Tis close to 4 and i need to wake at 7 for work.WOOHOO.