I found this really funny as i was writing..Reading it out and imagining it in my head.
But maybe It's just me and it ain't funny.
Oh well. I'd be great if someone could illustrate/flash this and we make it as a Chrissymassy card.
Anyone wants to collaborate? We have a month:)
When the lights went dim and the world is dead,
She creeps out to spy and rubs her soggy head,
“Egad! Did a bird just call out my name saying
Arise Arise don’t go to bed.
Breathe starlight and kiss moon-shade.”
Shocked she was as she wasn’t drunk
But curious she was, “Who is that one,”
And so she stood up and went to turn on the light
But it wouldn’t work she didn’t know why.
Walked she did to the window and opened the blinds
And there in the darkness was a heavenly sight.
He wasn’t charmingly handsome perhaps just a tad,
For he was too tall and his hair too black
He was grinning but his eyes droopily sad
Light brown orbs he had just like her
She thought she was staring at her mirror
“Come out for a moment my dearest,
For the moon up high is fairest,
Forget your shoes, float down in your nightie,
I promise I wouldn’t peek or be cheeky.
So come out now my fairest dearest,
I’ll show you love, Lavender and Roses”
“But I don’t know you weird man standing under the streetlight,
You must be crazy coming over so late at night,
I’ve got to work tomorrow can’t you see,
My dark rings are the darkest they can be.
You’re a stranger I shouldn’t even be talking to you,
You can’t trick me. I Ain’t no fool.”
“But my dearest fairest I do know you,
You can’t stand rudeness and impatient fools,
You love soppy movies and swear like a sailor,
And the secret I know most of all my dear,
You dance half naked in your room when the weather is cool,
And you sing along to Boybands like “Blue”.”
Oh no she cried, ”Bloody Hell! Who are you?
And what is your name?
You foul ghoul,You threatening me now are you?
And for your information its not just “Blue”
I sing along to “BSB” and “Atomic Kittens” too!”
Her face turned pale, she had screamed out what she said
Any moment she thought,
She’d expect a rotten tomato flying past her head,
“My name is Charlie. My little one.
I’ve been your best friend since you were but one,
You called me Mary once, but I didn’t like being Gay,
And you changed it to Charlie after the puppet show on Sunday”
“Fine enough,” she said “I’ll go just let me get dressed
Out of my nightie with so many little holes,
I wouldn’t wanna catch a cold, tabs are mighty hard to swallow.
Should we bring sandwiches?
Where are we to go?
Will it be raining and roads full of potholes?
Foot wear is extremely important you know.”
Charlie rolled his eyes and thankfully she did not see,
Rudeness remember was one of her hated things,
(On a side) Really, she was a rude brat
But she did not care if she did that!
“It’s alright poppet don’t fret,
We’re going out for a long walk home, just that.”
She wasn’t really listening to Charlie this time,
Thinking galoshes would be better than soiling her Adidas sneakers,
The former was ugly so she put on her stilettos instead,
Giving her arch and more height to her stumpy legs,
The slight rain outside would cause make up to run,
So she made do and went out with none.
“Finally!”, Charlie exclaimed, “My Dearest Fairest, My love, The one
We’re eloping and turning away eternally from the sun”
She thought, “That’ll be good!”
She liked herself fair.
Tanning is bad UV rays and all they would make her age even more
She held on the Charlie’s elbow
He was much taller than from her window.
“Are you cold Charlie?” she asked.
For his hands were cold and icy to the touch.
She felt something crawling at her feet,
She bent down to scratch the itch.
And looked up,
She did not believe she saw what she did.
Maggots were crawling from Charlie’s eye sockets,
Colours of blue,orange, magenta, You name it, he had it.
He was giving her a tooth less grin,
And a moth flew out the moment he beamed.
His hair was still black like she saw it but it was streams of dried blood,
Flowed long ago that made it.
“Merry Christmas to you my little singing finch,
This I give you my HEART, My Love, My Muffin."
She screamed.
She never got home that very dark night,
Apparently an old man had found her cold,
On a baseball field at base home.
In her hands a black dark organ encased.
He exclaimed “She holds a dear heart Oh! Ho!Ho!Ho!
Frightfully to the police speaking in haste.
He disappeared when police appeared before daylight.
No Old man, No Heart No Girl in sight,
They went back enraged for the was Christmas Night before,
And now the sun was up it was Christmas no more.
One sleepy Constable heard a whispery scream,
Looked around there was none but him.
“Must be the booze,” he said rubbing his messy head.
And now she stands beside her Charlie,
Where there be no sun for all eternity.
“Merry Christmas to all, those together and alone”
We could pay you a visit or ask your little friend,
Imaginary then..
But real he can be..
And forever just like my little muffin Charlie and me.”