I am blogging from work how cool can that be i am alone in the office to my left i see condos which i assume is the waterfront the traffic on the highway seems to be pretty slow too elaine is complaining to me that her boss from hell just told her coworker to tell her that Elaine is not allowed to leave the office till she says so but the rest of the people in the office can leave for home the lights in my msn are blinking purple and i am so not used to it grace just told me she can't believe school is over i can't believe it too it seems just like yesterday when i entered the class and there angel was in the room after that 3 of us walked from school to another of our fave hunt spinellis at Heeren i had a doggy bone angel had a sunrise and grace had a ice blended choco coffee it was dizzling a lil but we ignored and started talking hmm 3 of us went to Marine Parade library to study i remember i was sharing with Grace my Lena Park and Corrine May CD both of us starting talking about espionage and tele-evangelists scams funny angel was utterly bored hmm like i am now in this office i am liking the cold it is keeping me awake if only i had a thick wooly pullover i could snuggle at the counch beside the national geographic magazines that are sadly covered in a thick layer of dust and which dates all the way back to 2002 i have a couple of them issues too but mom stopped my subcription she said it was too expensive the counch doesnt seem all that comfortable actually it isnt even a couch miserly rattan canes with thin white maximum 2 cm thick cushion the rattan canes can acually be felt through the cushion i bet i bought a bottle of water and a large large bottle of green tea i love green tea the unadulterated ones preferrbly not sencha i prefer matcha the ones that you need a staw like thingy to brush or what ever crap till it disintegrates and becomes frothy bottled green tea is a poorpoorpoor substitute of the real thing i just ate the Meiji plain cracker thingy man i love it sooooo much it is plain yet flavourful and it is not sweet i hate sweet stuff ailsa is laughing at me cos i am complaining that i am bored at work at least i get paid for being bored can cherisse ever be bored she is always bored lol so i get paid doing what i am use to being bored but hey the reason for a mind being bored is because she is not given enough mental stimulation ah the phone is finally ringing someone is calling regarding christmas carolling hey this is fun why dont we have a christmas carol thingy this year we can sing at our screeechiest voices and not stop till we get money hahha well if is out of goodwill people cant call the cops can they ahah i am laughing at you dummies who are actually reading my crap crap crap elaine is still stuck in the office poor girl she is asking me what i would do if i were her i would go up to the bitch in powersuit grab her by her collar and scream into her ear let me out you witch my work ends at 530 it is in my bloody contract but then again most probably i would not perhaps i would or perhaps i would not and wanna know why elaine has to stay in the office she has to wait for her boss to print out her slides and bind it for her how stupid ah i miss mainie she went skiing yesterday ah so fun we have no snow here no nothing freak i wanna get out you know someone really irritated me that that day everyone is entitled to opinions cherisse went man i wanna get out of singapore i wanna have a house by a mountain lake and live with the trees and that person said how can anyone not want to live in the city a lecturer mentioned that there are more than 500000 singaporeans on waiting list to migrate to australia and by the way tim is a really weird thing to sorta migrate to singapore to work here well i guess an asian in asian is better than the condescending stuff you encounter in australia but it is him afterall so unpredictable and yet so decided oh well he will regret this in time perhaps the streets here are not safe latch your doors ladies and you too guys haha but i jest and i digressed that person started going on but there are so many things to like about singapore the phone is ringing it is my boss this will have to continue another time dang gotta type some work permit thingy
The rambling escapist with clipped wings
Monday, August 30, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
5:55 pm. It still hasn't rained.

And that my friends...is a HIPPOCRIP.
The full dance..
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Well I can predict the weather..
* My Phalanges can predict the weather....BOOOBOOHOOOOHOOO
(*Darla Fent would be so pround of me!! I miss that dear girl..But i digress)
I realised it it called the Hamate..or is it Ulna carpal...
At not even 22..i have aching finger joints..at my left ring finger.
My husband must be a doctor.
To prescribe morphine to me when I am real old .
Or he must be God..
The ability to control weather...
But the thing is I love the rain.
The wet.. the cool.. the cold...gah..guess I will have to live with the pain.
I must have been a cat in my previous existence..apparently I sneeze uncannily like a cat..(have been mentioned a few times) and I love fish..
This suddenly reminds me of a childrens' rhyme.
Watashiwa nekonoko neko noko
A guruguru guruguru
Shikuka Pi Shikuka Pi
Shikuka Shikuka Pi Pi Pi.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Khim... it was an arduous task getting these stuff onto my blog.
I am soooooooo tired now.
Hope it helps.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
A double moon appeared the night he was born.
The worlds have been breached and he will lead the two worlds.
There was a sense of waiting that night. The anticipation. The logs shone brightly in the fireplace keeping the interior warm and cozy.
It was a cold night, the trees swayed bowing in the frosty wind bending low.
Bowing. As if in respect. A lone coal black owl sat perched on the branches of the Ancient One. The Elm tree which looked just liked the rest surrounding him. But it’s roots ran deep into the interior, drawing it’s strength from the core within. A mythical majestic power that is unknown to our world. The core that many unexplainable happenings draw their strength on.
It’s olive green leaves rustled as the wind raced through, with a sheen that was unearthly lush and dark.
The owl was staring across the large field in the direction of that pale house. Red bricked with white borders. In front of the house was another tree barren and leafless yet glowing in the milky light of the pale moon that hung low in the autumn sky.
On the tree was a snowy white owl staring into one of the windows.
It was lit bright by many candle lights that stood precariously on the candle stands on of which was held by Molly who was helping Mother Lydia with the giving birth.
Footsteps of the anxious father echoed down the hallway. A lady’s face was drenched in sweat. Her face in acute pain bunched up at the temples, teeth gritted, nose wrinkled. Faced flushed.
A single drop of perspiration fell off her chin to the timber dark floor. At that moment. That cataclysmic moment, the cries of the ancient blood were heard.
He that was the bridge of the two worlds.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Question posed by somone at an American-based forum..
You just saw your mother kill your father, but your father was abusive to her over the course of marriage of 23 years. Your father verbally abused in a tirade manner and physically abused her to make your mother's self-esteem go down. She faced depression and all the emotional battles within. You have not witnessed this, but experienced the abuse as well. You and her have struggled together through your father's angst and verbiage. So, you mother kills your father in the bed with a bullet to his heart. No one heard anything around your neighborhood and you and your mothers are the only one at ths scene.
Call the cops on your mom? Hide the body and runaway together? What will you do?Remember, it's fate when something happens. Millions of people die everyday for a cause that has no noble righteousness anymore. Thousands of people die from the ignorance of the high ladder nations. Murders are committed from foolishness and mistake.Was this homicide or if you can ever call it a homicide a heinous crime to be dealt with or was it justified at the end?Answer with smart answers you bungholes.
If I were you.. That is..
What took Mom so long..
I would have taken matters in my own hands if i knew she had that notion of killing him.. perhaps it wasn't planned but the reason why I haven't finished him was i thought she still had some love for the old one.
Love that i obviously don't have.
Hmmm on hindsight..
If I had known she hated him I would have spared my mom the anguish of murder seeing her weakness of mind after the killing. I would have killed him without her knowledge..
Let her mind be free.
Or even hired a hitman but then again more would have been let in on the secret.I might have to silence the hit man instead after the kill.. it will translates to more trouble if the locus widens.
Nobody knows and nobody would miss my Dad seeing how he is. If my hadn't done it. Or I would have if she hadn't. Many I believe were in for the kill too.I could treat it as he has ventured off to another state prior to us leaving ours. And then leave town with Momma..
But the problem is disposing of the body.
There are a couple of things I should avoid like throwing him in the river and stuff. Fools. Bodies float.
Hmm seeing him as a dead corpse. And the deed has already been done. I would have to put my carving skills to use..
Delicately slicing him to prime cuts.. and having a cookout. The years of physical abuse has built up his physique I would say..I am returning a favour to the community, SCUMS like him should be treated like such.
I have done nothing wrong.
Indeed I should be honoured.A cookout it shall be.. complete with marinated meats seasoned with Cajun salt and delicate herbs.. sprigs of rosemary and olive oil seems like a good choice.. Ole style Texan BBQ would do fine too.
When would it be.. It must be soon. Prime cuts would not be prime if kept too long.. the meat is fresh and warm still.
My Trailer.. I would get a freezer to store them bones and get some battery water. To every state I wander to a couple of his legacy would be left behind.. Soaked in Battery water, the acids sure to eat them bones.. Perhaps some lye and other various chemicals would be good to disintegrate them bones too..
Will bones burn well?? Perhaps out on my journeys when I get cold at night.. his paternal warmth could keep me toasty.
Oh yes.. Momma..Hmm would she reveal her misdeed. I fear for her, her mind is not strong.. she might leak her secret when she is caught unawares. I would keep her safe with me. I would protect Mom, she doesn’t need to go through all these. She is asleep now. Perhaps when she awakes I could tell her it was all a dream to put her at ease.
But could I be worrying for nothing. Afterall she did pull the trigger.Not I.She might be stronger in mind than I thought.My only regret is that his blood runs though my veins. But then again his blood has ceased running and has turned cold.
Now where is my carving knife.
On a side note.. America is so huge..Honestly it would be easy to dispose of his body than in a smaller country...Sorry if I seemed gruesome..been reading too many thrillers
Friday, August 06, 2004
My own brother accused me of being unfeeling, nonchalant.
I laughed bitterly..
Why.. because I wanted to protect them and myself.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
I think I am lapsing into one of those bloody moods again.
And why because of… Nothing.
Sleep holds no pleasure. Speak holds no comfort. Listening to happy songs makes it worse.
Even singing.
That unexplainable love never fails to lull my senses and numbs me into the beauty of the melody of creative minds that brings me into another existence of escaping.
I want to scream in it trapped.
Trapped within and I can’t get it out even if I scream it out. Out at the highest ever decibel.
Yet I choke and all I can do is whimper internal.
It hurts.
And why?
What happened? Is there something? Is there something wrong. The feeling that eats a perfectly sane person up inside. The person who knows it all too well knows there isn’t. The person knows perfectly sanity is intact and even more so than many.
Then why?
Is it better to live with nary a doubt in head, a simple happy existence. An existence where one feels the flowers, smells the sunshine, sees the wind, tastes the warmth and hears the delightful hum that is within.
That inside. That grants momentaty peace by blocking out light and dark. The solitude and emptiness. The Nothing.
And yet it was this Nothing that stirred up the pain. Have I been dwelling in this Nothing for external.
This external that is Infinity. And would not end,
Because even if it wanted to end it could not.
Because it is eternal.