The rambling escapist with clipped wings

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Teeth Brushing, Brushing Teeth.

Anybody that knows me knows I love tea.
But this obsession has gotten a tad weird.
I am loving this new toothpaste i have.


It a matter of whether you like it or HATE IT..
it just tastes weird really like Haagen Daz Matcha ice cream or them Kurikuri ones which itself is an acquired taste.

Thankfully have no complusive tendencies.

My gums aren't bleeding yet from ALL the brushing...

Kidding just twice a day sometimes three after a meal never more...hahhaha
Someone's mom said too much listerine aint good...
hmm But i bet Green Tea Listerine would be good cos of all them flavornoids.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Am backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....

It is raining out there. And Cherisse just got back from the Woodlands Checkpoint.

WHY??Isn't Cherisse coming back by plane.
Yes. She was supposed to.
Isn't she a distinguished guest as mentioned many times by the people in Tourism Malaysia.
Well yeah supposedly so.

But then what the hell happened last evening when she arrived at the Kuching airport with her Royal entourage and other dignitaries... To be morbidly disgusted that there was NO FLIGHT back home that day.

And that the M'sia Tourism board made a BIGGGHUGGGEEEEEHUMONGOUS BOOBOOO.

Well.. so much for sincerity in inviting MOI.. *points to self with a perfectly manicured finger*

So we had to fly back to KL.
Running to the BOARDING GATES erm elegantly and ravishingly LATE.. then meeting the hot and intense stares of *coughs* admiration of the other passengers on board.
Next getting acousted and blocked by adoring Nepalese fans with the utter look of amazement on their sun beaten faces..
Not wanting to budge away from top of the MOVING STAIRCASE as I regally descended.

Finally after loads of interviews at the customs cos of some passport thingythingthing. I was free to collect my luggage and waited SOOOOOOOOOOO glamourously at the oh-so-freezing-glam ARRIVAL HALL NO LESS for a coach to return to Singapore.

Which was delayed time and time again.
IT WAS DUE TO ROYAL BUDGET CONSTRAINS due to the raising cost of extremely pungent CAVIAR and SUPERIOR FISH ROE in Kuching that she brought back to be deep fried and served with Belachan and Nasi lemak. (Actually she maxed her card and was afraid her company would not pay her back for the expenses incurred for the BOOBOO, she tried all 5 cards she had and managed to pay for our trip to KL from Kuching)

And so after much delay and haggling by the ma-cik we finally boarded the coach at 3 am.

Why did they not stay then at KL for another day rather than subject themselves to torment of smeelly truck coach.

The shuttle to KL is expensive
The airport hotel is fully booked.
The hotels in KL would be expensive.
There is no certainty of getting a flight back to Singapore on the next day.
But we had to go back.

Barbara the Italian royalty with spunk and a soft heart had to return to Singapore to feed her royal cat that was alone in her Hilltop home.
And the poor kitty has been going hungry since Monday.
Princess Michiko Kakuchi has a meeting in the morning. She has enough money to charter a flight back to Singapore but alas the ROYAL MALAYSIAN CHAPERON that screwed this whole thing up was adamant and concerned about the safety of the DISTINGUISHED GUESTS.

Yeah OF COURSE...$_$
And the coach though outed luxury..was a touture for Cherisse's ROYAL ARSE cos the seats were not of down and plush velvet

So close to 6 hr later at 10 am Cherisse reached her royal palace..
Had a hearty meal of royal fish Noodles.
And after a shower in her royal bathroom
She is going to to sleep on her Royal bed.

And she has official matters to handle in the afternoon.
The state of the affairs cannot wait and must be handled promptly.
The offical coronation and handing over ceremony of the throne.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Of Trip,Of Home.Of Jolie. a couple of hours time, I am off to M'sia.
Aside from the touristy stuff there are quite a number of press conferences and seminars to attend.And there is this Gawai open house idea what on earth is that.O_o.I'll even be meeting the GREATEST A-GONG there.
Apparently the hotel I'll be staying in (The Regent)..according to resources its top notch.

And as always Batu caves is gonna butcher us all again.
Did i tell you guys Nick got chased by a monkey there.. (on a Weird note, in Indo, a monkey climbed on his back and peed on him lol)

Hmm actually am kinda disappointed.. it has come to my knowledge that Home is having the bash the same day i leave, though i can't exactly not go for the trip.
The least you could do is tell me eh......
Josh nvm
Wayne nvm
But Boss..tsktsk.. *SIGH*

And Sab you should have shuuushed.. Knowledge is worst than ignorance....

Anyway Mr Smith & Mrs Smith is funny and erm FUNNY.
Whole new way of looking at spousal abuse.
Even that Brat guy wasn't all to bad. At certain moments i actually did find him pretty darn good this time.Wouldnt be surprised if the Brad and Angelina Jolie thingy is true
MAN..I'll go les on her ANYTIME. Pronto.

How can anybody be ooooooooooooooooozing sensuality every sec.
How can anybody look like THAT.So yummilicious.

Cherisse had best go to bed..


ps:Khim don't worry too much'll blow over *hugs*
ps2:When is Cherisse that petty. As mentioned only ONE can rile her.KIDDING BABES.