The rambling escapist with clipped wings

Thursday, April 20, 2006

On Placenta, Black sheeps and the Golden Ticket

Reading an article about Tom Cruise suddenly made me think about the influence of the media in portrayal of public figures and in the same line.. public policies, world views and issues. I mean we're always been given flack and bad rep for "misrepresentation/over-presentation/under-representation"(sore issue here for me).But I think The media is trying to help push religious thoughts too. Like scientologists, like Mr Cruise are mad crazed freakazoids that eats their babies' placenta.(Which is not true by the way, he was quoted out of context when he was being sarcastic)

Ok back to topic. I don't care 2 hoots abt Tom Cruise.

I think there is a great push worldwide supported by mainstream media to return to the fold and Back to them so called Orthodox/Right religions.

1)Cos of the mayhem and in recent years maybe say after 1990s there are more pple that return to christianity or "hop into" a religion. As compared to 70s 80s 90s being deviant and proclaiming agnostic was the "in" thing

2)Prolly due to religious conflicts all over.. people do find it RIGHT to return majorly to their roots, "I can't let the other guys win", so you get the extremist

3)And of cos the general feel of miasma and forebroding that the world is gonna end with all these natural disasters. "I better go find a religion lest i turn into a lingering ghost or get swept into hell before i know it"

4)The world economy too has something to do with it. 80s was the boom period for many countries too.. The last thing they cared abt was religion

Dave says am overthinking about it.

But seeing people getting religious for the wrong reasons just gets on my nerves.

Christianity for example has a great stranglehold here. Suddenly things like cell groups, worship, etc are in to many conversations. For example kiddos nowadays are more into religions than say 10 yrs. Influenced by schoolmates and socialization opportunities they get into a religion.

So are the grey population, for the wont of friends, hope, and looking for a reason to live "hop in" too.

As for say Buddism, many more are into it cos it technically aint a religion perse but a way of life and teachings.

All these religious black sheeps will prolly go to hell(or where-ever afterlife is, if they belive in one) if they don't understand..

1) Church/ Mosque/ Temple is not one way to up yr social life
2) God isn't gonna help you if you don't help yourself.
3)If you gonna die you're gonna die.
4) Being on your Sunday best behavior and then talking shit about others in front or back of them is still Talking SHIT.
4)Going to pray on selected says doesnt ensure a ticket to heaven.
5)You better be praying cos you believe in the teachings and not cos you are asked to.

But then what again are the "WRONG REASONS". WOOHOO I love contridicting and confusing myself. The BIG BALANCE.
Gah am just being a bitter cynical bitch. Stone me.

And as always I have disclaimers to save my arse. Am stereotyping here, there are devout followers of their various schools of thought and religions.

Peace Out.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Pics Blog

Henceforth all me pics be here.

For now..just China trip.

My thoughts on food and writing and whatnots

Having been to many food tastings and all. I do not call my self a connoisseur. In fact like music, food to me is a matter of whether I like it or not. Rarely do you find bombastic words in my articles on food (for that matter) most of my writing. Pointless I find it to splatter words that mean nothing to me, words that are either from the thesaurus or “epicurean” jargon. I’d rather describe what I feel, about it. Granted my vocabulary sucks, I don’t read enough mags and stuff to proffer my arsenal of witty quotes and stuff.

Which leaves me to wonder this evening as I went to the world gourmet summit, rubbing shoulders with the chefs and who’s who in FnB, three quarters of whom I don’t know, and none of whom that remember me or that I even bother talking to. Most of the time in media dinners and all I’m contented doing my job taking my pics sitting down bothering none and hoping (most of the time unsuccessfully) not being bothered-as it is a travesty to be quiet and minding your own business. Most of the time I just feel out of place in crowds, especially in clubs, pubs and all.
Inadequacy or self consciousness at work? Perhaps. Give me a Spinelli’s or Mr Beans anytime.

Ok I sidetracked a lot. The main question that came to mind tonight is, Do people really like what they eat/see/do/buy/whatever? Or do they like it because it is expensive/exclusive/limited edition/novelty/or whatever?

Point being I’ve tasted many horrible and weird tasting food this evening or in many reviews for that matter?

Chocolate Foie Gras, for example was the nastiest tasting piece of shit I’ve tried (my companion dumped the whole thing in the mouth only to puke it out, thankfully I nibbled and still I puked it out). Or even things like sharksfin. Abalone, birds nests(other than their purported medicinal benefits) Do they really taste that good or are they simple touted good cos they are expensive and exclusive.

In wedding banquets, promotional dinners, or when ever you want a treat, being the Asians we are these are the most common things that will be screamed wanting.

But do they really taste all that good. Sure they are expensive, but I don’t understand why force yourself to eat something nasty and expensive just for the sake of when a simple 2 bucks will buy you a papaya and lemon or popiah (ok am biased slot in your fave non expensive yummy food).

Back to writings, am I a selfish writer? Writing the way I like rather than like other lifestyle/travel/features writers..granted some do writel simply, beautifully and non bombastically and I kowtow them for it . I know for a fact am not the world’s best writer, or one close to being good for that matter? Will I be outmoded, and deemed boring unacceptable, because I don’t see a point in peppering my articles with words I don’t understand. Maybe am just lazy and inadequate and this be my excuse. Maybe.

But still I maintain my stand. Chocolate Foie Gras is a NONO.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Freak it. I hate nightmares.

Ok this dream scared the hell out of me. It's the meds I tell ya. They make you hallucinate and crazy. My ribs and shoulders are aching from the coughing. Too bad they don't build muscles and abs.

I was at work before it all happened (as in the scary part)and I was calling this person but weirdly he did not exist in this certain company and that had been taken over by Julia Gabriel. It was formerly a recruiting agency. (Cat was the one that took the call and spoke to him 2 times but i was busy and so I did a call back later. Same number but that person did not exist.)

This person had a 3 namer. Cant remember.

So off I went home. Back towards my old home in AMK weirdly though I knew in the dream I resided in Hougang.

But within the journey I got into 4 car accidents. Met up with Mdm Peh (she was in one of them) and another friend..Weiling I think from primary school. She was talking about birthdates and that her's was a noth or two exactly after mine(I have no idea if it is true)

Got home and fell asleep and in my sleep I had a dream too. I had a rod in my hand that was forced to me that turned into a serpent and back into a rod. And voice over thingy started where this “being “ forced me to answer. “Do you believe.. Now Do you believe!” (Loud booming even evil sounding)I think I refused to answer or said it very reluctantly, And in the dream images of flooding, catastrophe and all were playing consecutively with the rod and voice.

I woke up and I had a maid.I think it was my old maid Yati. I sorta knew that I was dreaming about the previous thingy but the current dream still felt real. My dad and youngest brother were at home.
Suddenly there was a huge earth quake as I stood by the window. i saw felt everything shaking.

In my head I was thinking “Oh shit it is all my fault. 4 accidents the dream and now the earth quake. “

The lights were still working. I was rushing to pack all the things I could for first aid. And supplies. Halfway through the bloack fell to it's side. No one seemed to care. Told my bro to call my mom no one seem bothered. Father went over to the next block to share his ointment and was still taking it easy. The next block was on fire so was our block but it stopped quickly. Then the stupid alarm rang and I woke. Damn.

I was so afraid in the dream cause it felt so damn bloody real.

(Just googled to symbolism of rod and serpent. Freak it I didn’t even know it existed? Did I read it somewhere way back that caused me to dream it up or did it appear in my dream just like that?)

Freak it. I gotta go to work with my aaching body.

EDIT: Ok Now am back to bed. No appointments set for me contrary to what was said by The Doc. I gotta try to pull myself out to see the doc later. Am done with all my sunflu, cirrus cough syrup, lozenges. My ventolin pump still works thankfully. Need more stash. I wonder how am I gonna go for food reviews the next few days or conduct interviews. Wish me luck darlings.